13 March 2012

Be True To Yourself

"Don't judge a book by it's cover"

Why not?

It can be scary joining an internet dating site for the first time.  Perhaps it is scary any time as you need to open yourself up a little which can make you feel vulnerable.  It is certainly advisable to be guarded on how much you open up until you are savvy in the arena of Internet Dating.

Many sites allow you to place photos on your profiles, some even have a private option so that you can choose exactly who sees the photographs.  Choose this option rather than put up old pics or even pics which are not even of you.  If you are eventually planning to meet someone, then a twenty year old photograph or that sexy picture of your best friend is simply NOT a recipe for success.  They are lies! They are just as deceitful as pretending to be a supermodel, cryogenics researcher, or single when you are not.  The truth WILL out.  There is no point shouting from the rooftops for people NOT to judge a book by it's cover, for in the world of dating, the cover truly matters in the first instance.

"Date Me I am Beautiful!"

Looks are subjective.  What attracts one person may repel another or simply be ignored.  Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.  So why is it there are some people in the world regarded as beautiful by most of us, whereas others appeal only to certain groups?  The answer lies in geometry.  The mathematical formula of phi is present throughout the universe (you can read about this Golden Proportion on the Bibliography page), it is not just facial features we can find attractive through phi, but, for example, music, architecture and nature.

Since we all do not have facial features which adhere to phi, but a varying geometrical formula, perhaps we find those closest to the formula personal to us, attractive.  If you think about it, this could be why, as a general consensus, we unconsciously have a preference for our own types.  

And my point is ;)

I have people watched and I have seen many couples whose features are actually alike.  I prefer the theory of personal facial geometry attraction over that of a once read view a woman seeks her father's look-a-like.  Genetics may have predisposed her personal facial geometry is the same as her father's (as opposed to that of her mother's), she is then seeking a like image of her own features, not a like image of her father. Stating in jest perhaps a son seeks his father's look-alike.  Take the Mona Lisa for example, did she "look" like her husband's father?  Geometrically speaking there would be nothing wrong with that.

The Importance of Looks
Let us acknowledge the importance of looks.  They are important in serving us to want to communicate with the possessor of those looks and for others to want to communicate with us.  You have been honest and you deserve the same in return. Insist on seeing recent photographs of your prospective date.  Note the plural. There are many fake profiles on the Internet, the most obvious ones have one photograph of a "good-looking" person.  Pictographic dishonesty is not the only deceit: people can lie about anything: their age; their size; their height; and unfortunately even their status (i.e whether or not they are actually in a relationship).  Astoundingly some people even lie about their gender.  

My eldest daughter had a direct experience of this: a woman was pretending to be a single man and her boyfriend the opposite.  It was a game they played to see who could get the most hits.  Pathetic?  Why, of course.  But it is more than that, it is a dangerous game playing with peoples' minds and peoples' emotions.  

It's an old pic: 2008
Before I leave the subject of looks and photographic representation, here are two tips: 

  • when you upload photographs please have them the right way up.  If they need rotating then do so and reload.  

  • Sunglasses, yes they are great at hiding the crows feet and hence take years off of you; but, and perhaps it is only a personal opinion, you still need to show your eyes!  Ignore this remark if you also happily show your face without the age reducer kit.


  1. A great source of information. I love you and can't wait to see how this progresses.

  2. what a load of old crap.

    grow up woman and stop trying to be some sort of internet 'love guru' for pitys sake!

  3. Insert roflmao video hahahahahaha.

    Methinks this is a guy scorned :p.

  4. I am a woman actually, and just find your site and it's author to be rather sad and misguided.

    The fact that you thought I was male sums up how well you know your subject matter I guess.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Why thank you Madam for your point of view. I always respect people using their intelligence and constructing criticism from which one can learn. Oh wait, it is in fact just negative twaddle, the sort that could make sensitive souls cry into their cornflakes and perhaps give up on their mission of positive intent. Fortunately this sad Authoress is aware of the type of people who can only feel good about themselves by putting others down, and with this in mind feels nothing but sympathy for you.

    Karmic influences are a wonderful affair, for those people who are steeped in positivity and those steeped in negativity simply have the same returned. You do not have to believe on a mystical level, you can actually think more scientifically via psychology. Of course feel free to continue on your negativity trail, but unless it has beneficial undertones for my intended audience, then I am happy to inform you that your thoughts will just have to bounce around in cyber space.

    I am quite content with the fact that, perhaps not in its entirety, my Blog has much common sense value, and for those to whom it resonates, even just the odd one or two, then I am indeed a happy bunny for it validates my mission. I have had private feedback that even where it does not resonate, the humour makes it a worthwhile read.

    You assume I do not know my subject matter Madam... well apologies for allowing you to make a lemon of yourself, but my subject matter concerns MY dating experiences, to which there is no other expert. However, I can look beyond mere words and see you mean my potential audience. Perhaps many will think as you, well each is invited to constructively criticise aspects of my Blog for then I will learn to have a wider perspective of dating issues and possibly assist more people in the long run.

    My last comment to you is: try smiling at the world. It just might smile back. Namaste.
